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The Budapest Urolith Center was founded in the summer of the year 2000 by B. Bende DVM.

The activities of the Center are aiming at:

  1. assisting the treatment of the animals suffered by urolithiasis (mainly dogs and cats) with the analysis of theirs uroliths, and
  2. carrying out scientific examination of the different kind of urolithiasis and underlying factors of the animals

The BUC is operating at the Animal Hospital of Budapest

(Lehel street No.43, H-1135 Budapest, Hungary)



In the BUC we investigate the characteristics of the urinary calculi sent to there by veterinarians and determine chemical composition of those. On the basis of the results of the examinations conclusions can be drawn concerning the main cause initiating or starting the formation of urinary calculi. This information provides a reliable basis to choose the adequate therapy and diet making possible to dissolve the present uroliths and/or to prevent the reoccurrence of those. All these information will be included in the report sent back to the applicant vet detailing the possible underlying factors and therapeutic advices too.



Concerning fees, terms and conditions please contact us.

Sending sample

The sample could be send by mail.
The shipment has to contain the urolith request form filled in.

You can download, print the request form, or you can send the data required using our on-line request form. In case of on-line data submission only the name of the vet and the owner (according to the data submitted) should be presented together with the urolith in the shipment.

The stones removed or voided have to be washed with water (destilled water is recommended). The samples have to be cleaned from blood and any other tissue residues. The clean samples have also to be dried before shipping.

If the quantity of stones of one patient is about of 5 pieces it is advisable to send all of them, if it is more please send 4-5 characteristic pieces. If among the urolits larger or onces of different characteristics are to be found it is recommended to send them too.

It's not recommended to crush or pulverise the stones! (If so the determination of the localisation of the different stoneformig components would be impossible!)

For covering the samples use unbreakable (not glass) container.

Never send samples whitout clear and legible identification!
Please do not send liquid or wet samples!


Where to send the samples?

The samples prepared corresponding to our requirments are to be mailed to:

Budapesti Urolith Centrum
Dr. Bende Balázs
Lehel u. 43.
Budapest, H-1135


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